Sunday, 14 October 2007


Well, in the beginning there was jack shit on this blog and Northernights' activities were to be found here

The thing is, without wanting to over-complicate the site [the clean, anti-design look is actually there on purpose], there are a number of other things that we could be doing as we cast our eye over Manchester clubland. Relaying news stories, for example. The odd competition. We might have a cat that we want you to help us name. Maybe some music reviews. Or some cheeky MP3s that we've been allowed to put your way. Or some rubbish that we just thought up in the bath.
Shall we just see what happens? Okay. Let's.

Meantime, here's some links to some interviews currently on the main site:

* Jeff Mills

* Kelis

* Uffie

* Modeselektor

* Carl Cox

* Kissy Sell Out

* Andy C

* Danny Tenaglia

* Claude VonStroke

* Paul Epworth

* XX Teens

* Armand Van Helden

* The Teenagers

* Groove Armada

* Ewan Pearson

* DJ Spinna

* Tronik Youth

* Utah Saints

* Evil Eddie Richards

* Shit Robot

* Daniele Baldelli

* WhoMadeWho

* Duke Dumont

* Elektrons

* Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip

* The Tigerpicks

* The Bloody Beetroots

* Skull Juice

* Shadow Dancer

* Miss Odd Kidd

* Charlie Fanclub

* Tom Neville


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